When things go.....

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Trying to figure out ones life is an impossible feat. I have replayed my life repeatedly over and over in my head, and have tried many a times to come to terms with my past, however have decided many a times to ignore it and give up. However my ever deflating body has decided that during the wee hours of the morning, I must come to terms with it immediately or I will not be able to sleep so I am bound to try and make sense of it all. CRAZY I know, but not intentional. Trust me. So as I sit here I try and think of everything that ever went wrong, and try and decifer how or why it could possible be my fault. For the saying goes, one makes their own path in life.

Trust me, somebody hit me in the head, cause I sure as heck didn't choose to live my life this way. I think what they are saying, should be something along the lines of "STOP, DROP, and Roll, to the punches, Dance when their is music, Sing when there isn't any, but most of all, JUST THROW YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR, AND WAVE THEM LIKE YOU JUST DON'T CARE FOR THEN RUN LIKE CRAZY".

Well some take this as a sign that you are slowly going crazy, but in actual fact, I think it means you have finally realized that life isn't as big a deal as its made out to be. There is all this pressure to have so many materialistic objects, and so many ideas on how someone should live their life. But if you ask them, are they happy, or have they ever had a rough patch they might actually surprise you and say yes. You only get one chance to live your life, so dont you think that your energy can be better spent making yourself happy in it, not always having to have what everyone else has.

Life isn't perfect, and your ideas of the perfect family, perfect home, and perfect life, are imaginary, and differ amongst different people. So don't try and analyze your life, or try to figure out why you don't have what you wish you did, when all you really need to do is be happy with what cards you have been dealt and try your best to make yourself happy. As a very intelligent man once sang, "Poor man living a rich mans dream". Everyone has the same goal in the end, to be Happy and loved.

Well, I may not have totally figured out my life tonight, but at least I feel a little better about it before I go to bed. I have always known the answer, I guess just didn't want to look and realize that what I do have is worth more, then any persons material objects. I have two wonderful boys, a wonderful supportive family who no matter how many mistakes that I have made always love me, and I have a very supportive BEST FRIEND. One whom no matter what has shown repeatedly that he isn't going anywhere. One that has told me over and over, that no matter how beaten and tattered my life has been that in his eyes I am still strong, and a better person for it all. I know that life isn't easy trust me, but I also know that with someone to love you, you will have a strong support for anything that comes your way.



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