When things go.....

Saturday, December 17, 2005

What is Next.....

Has anyone who makes the laws, really sat down and looked at what and where the future is leading us. It seems to me, that there is a law for every law, and then behind that there is a law. Now a days, people will sue anybody for anything they can possible get their hands on. Take the person who went to a drive thru coffee shop, orders a coffee, drives away and spills it on their lap, who then sues the coffee company for serving a hot item without warning. DA, I am blonde and even I know Coffee is hot, if not, they probably would have sued the coffee shop for serving cold coffee. With this said, I had recently purchased a slurpee from the local 7-11. Ok a slurpee, its cold, right, well as I was sipping on this, I saw in small writing on the side of the cup "May cause a Brainfreeze, Use Caution." I shmuck you not, the next time you are in a 7-11 take a look at the side of the slurpee cups. What is next, the milk cartoon is going to read "May be a hazard to open, spillage is possible" Or a pack of paper, will need the label "Caution, may cause papercuts, Extremely painful" Clothes should have labels put on them "Caution, may reflect your popularity status" Or when we are born should we be stamped "Upper Class, Middle Class, or Lower Class" A blonde baby, will be wearing a tag "May not be able to catch everything you say, use extreme caution" What about the toilet "Caution to be exercised while sitting, standing, and flushing Flooding may occur" Seriously now. What is next?????


  • It gets better, I heard of a lot of dumb ass labels in my time. Check this out, no word of a lie.

    A Chainsaw company in Sweden or Switzerland, one of those 2, had to put THIS on the machine.

    "Do Not attempt to stop blade with hands or genetles"

    Because you know, you can use your head...that's ok, at least anyone who tries that won't think twice about doing it again.(haha I so funny)

    And Childrens cough syrup has the warning. "Do not opporate heavy machinery while taking this product."

    Sorry Timmy, i guess you can't use the back hoe we got you for X-mas until your cold goes away.

    People are inherently stupid, and because we give stupid people, as well as any other person rights, stupid people can sue for stupid stuff they do cause they need a warning for every damn thing, no matter how Ludacris.

    The world is a great place......people make it an unbearable one.

    By Blogger Fictional Correspondant, at 8:30 AM  

  • http://www.rinkworks.com/said/warnings.shtml

    click or cu and past that Link to see more screwed up humanity

    By Blogger Fictional Correspondant, at 12:50 PM  

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