When things go.....

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Small Miracles

With the Christmas Season fast approaching I am starting to see the debts pile up, the stress approaching, the food getting sparse, and how I am not the only one going through this. I see some of my friends being evicted, trying to find jobs, but hitting dead ends, suffering to get through the cold season with no furnace, or heat of any kind. It seems like instead of having a merry Christmas, some people are dreading and apprehending the season.

The other day on the radio I heard how Two volunteers for the Salvation Army, were wanted for stealing over $500 from a coin collection station. They were volunteers designated to helping those less fortunate and they stole money from them. It kind of reminds me of Robin Hood's, Prince John, and people stealing from the poor to give to the rich.

I see all the local shopping malls, parking lots full of people shopping to get large, big packages for their loved ones. I see people driving by with large packages in their cars, all for their loved ones. That's great. That's dandy. But then they drive past a homeless person, (whom you can tell is cold), and drive past them as if they are dirt, poo on the bottom of your shoe. What has happened to this world. Why can't people while they are out buying these gifts, purchase some gloves, hats, jackets, Boots, and put them in the Salvation Army Sleigh, or volunteer a few hours to feed a homeless person at the shelter. Purchase a few toys for someone who isn't going to have something under their tree cause their parents are fighting just to survive. Add a few extra items to their grocery list, and put them in the food bank hamper as they walk out the door.

I am not rich, nor do I ever want to be, because I could never own a huge $500,000 dollar house, knowing that someone else is search the trash for something to eat. I could not own a $60,000 or more car, knowing that someone else has to walk with holes in their shoes back and forth to work. So what, if your buddies have a better home, a more expensive and exotic car. The pure satisfaction of knowing that you have helped someone even in a diminutive way, should be enough. You can't take you materials to your grave, and I am not thinking that someone is going to walk past the grave marker and say "Hey that man owned a porche" But, they might walk by and say "Hey I remember him/her, they were the ones who ever year helped someone celebrate Christmas, or donated everything they had to charity, or helped a "Specific Charity out" Life is not based on what you own, or how big and expensive it was, but rather on a more positive way, of how big your heart is.

When we are self are fighting to maintain milk and bread in the house, yet my children still managed to put what little they had into the Salvation Army Christmas Hamper collection cause they said that we still had a roof over our heads, and others looking for a warm meal did not. How when I was working every year at Christmas, they would buy something that they wanted really bad, and would then put it inside the Salvation Army Sleigh, for some other child to enjoy, not something that someone just through in their, but something that another human being would appreciate.

When my son is all better and I can get back on my feet, then I know that again, I will continue the True meaning of Christmas, Helping those less fortunate. Giving back to someone whose luck has run dry, or who just needs a helping hand, for life was a little more unfair then others. That I will be able to repay what someone has done for us.

I just wish that more people would help out, especially in this town, I see so many expensive homes, and rich people driving by, yet they don't blink an eye to help those less fortunate. Yes given not everyone asking needs it, but I am sure you could use your discretion, and you could figure it out, or look in your child's school and you are sure to find one or two families if not more, that are too proud to ask for help, but an anonymous drop off would be appreciated. One day, some how I am going to bring back Robin Hood and steal from the rich (winning the lottery) and give to the poor (charities, and donations).

One Day, Some How, I will prove that Small Miracles do exist.


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