When things go.....

Monday, December 05, 2005

My Family

You know I have never really posted anything about my family on here since I started this, Heck just learned how to post pictures, and am still learning about links that sort of stuff. BLONDE OK, bare with me.

So anyways thought that today would be a good day to do that. My rock has helped me remember all the things that I am great full for in my life, inluding my family. Sure we have had some rough times, and well I don't have enough therapy to cover my whole family, but right now I am going to talk about my brothers and sister, and my mom and Step-Dad. No matter what we have done, or how bad we have screwed up, we are always there for each other. Take my mother for example, having four kids, to try and raise (three teenagers) when my dad passed away, was pretty tough on her, especially when we weren't exactly angels. And I am not being sarcastic, I know by far, I could have dealt with things way better then I did, and all of us made mistakes. Well I think she did a great job with what she had to deal with, and yet she never gave up on us, and is still always there for us now. She always tries to help us out when she can, even if its just to bug her at work. Which we seem to do ALOT. She always seems to have a positive attitude towards the situation, like no matter how bad you think it is, she "pulls a rabbit out of her ass" as she puts it, and makes it better. Mom you truly are the best, and I can only hope that I am half as good as you are. Congratulations, and thank you.

Well I wanted to dedicate this post to my family. SO MOM if you are reading this, I truly appreciate what you have done for us, especially for me lately, in helping out with my son's illness and trying to help keep me sain, and afloat. I don't think I say it enough, so Thank you. (although maybe you could stay up later, I seem to need you after 7 at night. lol)

To my sister. Well you don't really know it, or are you psychic? But I do believe some how you always seem to help me out, in the weirdest ways, but also in the most helpful. Down to helping with my school decisions, relationships, or helping me start the communication with my rock. I have always looked up to you (Ok down as you are shorter, and choose people shorter then you to date, OOMPALOOMPALAND) lmao. Cheers to you, and I hope you know that I am always going to be here for you, and you will always have a place to stay. You are the greatest little sister ever. OK and the boys' favorite aunt, but just you wait, little bro thinks he got the best gift for the boys this year. lol

My younger brother, well you are definitely, the most colorful, but I too, want to say thank you, for always lending me your hand when I needed it. I truly would like to one day be able to help you out as well. Sure we disagree with each other at times, but I am proud of you, for you accomplishments. Especially with the person you have become and the relationship you have become part of. I wish you all the best. And thanks again for not complaining about my whole light thing this year. lol. As for those cool roof climbing shoes you have. The boys wants some now, so they can climb roofs. lmao. You rock.

My older brother, well he became a husband and a father this year. Congratulations on that. I was worried that I couldn't make it, cause of my son's illness, but we found a way. Of course it was short notice, and I had to come up with a brilliant idea of decorating the reception hall, and their get away vehicle about three hours before the wedding. Pat me on the back, although was a hard task to do. I just wanted it to be the best for them. I think they appreciated it. The look on their face was priceless. lol anything I can do to help. Although we didn't really talk much or keep in touch much before his wedding, or baby, but since then I think we have a new fond connection. I think they will make awesome parents, and are doing a good job so far, congratulations again. I totally admire what you have been through, and have gone through. You followed your dreams, and met an amazing woman, who I am lucky enough to call my sister-in-law. I couldn't have picked a better person for you, and I tell everyone that. I seem to understand her, and she understands me, its great to have a new friend as well. I wish the three of you the best, and hope that you have everlasting love in your booming family.

Then there is my Step-dad, I don't think that anyone gives him enough credit. His kids sure don't, but to you, I do really appreciate all that you have done for us, all of us. You are always there to help us, when we are down, and you are always there to listen when we need an ear. I too think that we need to tell you that more often as well. You deserve at least that. I know things aren't quite where you wanted your life to be at the moment, but you have meant more to us, me and the boys, then you will ever know. I DO appreciate you, the boys appreciate you, and I know the others do as well. So Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, for coming into our lives, and making my mom happy once again.

SO in short, if you really think about your families, I am sure you can think of many flaws, or maybe a few, but have you ever really thanked them or just said "GUYS, I LOVE YOU" "Thanks for always being there". Well I try, and I still think that I don't do it enough. You guys are the greatest, and my boys are lucky to have you all in it. (They might disagree when you are mad at them though, trust me, they even get mad at me at times) But all in all, they have become part of quiet a loving family, even when we are tearing each others hair out. lmao. Cheers to you all.


  • It is defenetly good to appreciate family. It's good you have them in times of need. I'm grateful for mine aswell, being like, on the other side of the country and all most of the year.

    Yes I will be there on the 16th of December...and I'm leaving on the 29th, so sometime in those days, we should defenetly meet up for coffee, I'd like that.

    Oh, if you have the msn, this is my e-mail.


    I'm on all the freaking time usually.

    Take Care.

    By Blogger Fictional Correspondant, at 2:29 PM  

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