When things go.....

Sunday, July 16, 2006

WOW - I'm Alive

Sorry this hasn't been update recently. So much has been going on. Things on the home front are all ok. Runing on empty so to speak. Seems like everyone might now what I am talking about when I say we are all sucking fumes. Took the boys camping two weeks ago. They had fun, I on the other hand, well it was ok. I am not use to having so much time on my hands. Felt a little out of sorts so to speak. Still not quite the old self yet. Have some good days and then of course there are the bad days. Had my cousin help me through my last one. Thank you very much. That was a very big help. I miss my soul mate, and wish That somehow things would be ok. I know everyone tries to tell me to think positive, or that things will be ok, but I am getting kinda tired of waiting. Did I forget to mention I AM NOT A PATIENT person. Ah, must of left that part out. Trying to get the house organized for my month long stretch of visitors. Its a little hectic trying to get everything done. Not much time for anything else.

Well keeping this short, just thought I would say hello, and CIAO soon.


  • I see you got it all figured out. ;-) Glad to see you are alive - things are looking up! You must be down to what, 3 days now? Might I Whooo Hooo for you? Hopefully we'll be seeing you (all of you) soon too!

    By Blogger Squirrel, at 12:41 PM  

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