When things go.....

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Well I got back yesterday from a very interesting trip to the Children's hospital. The oncology ward of the hospital has been redone and moved to a new area of the hospital. It is much better now, as there are less kids in the area of all the cancer patients with low immune systems. SO meaning, you actually get a seat when you are there for your four or more hour day, and you get a room, when recovering, where before you were just in front of the nurses, with all the others. My son is usually really worried and scared about his procedures, which is totally understandable. So I was prepared for some of his delay tactics. But this time we had a male nurse who had a gameboy ready. My son never talks to anyone, at this time, but as soon as the nurse mentioned game boy, He shouted "Which games do you have" and they had a little conversation while we were able to give him "his sleepy medicine" he laid down as soon as he got dizzy and we started.

Usually he talks through this procedure, stuff like "I won't be a bad kid again" "Why me" "Mommy I promise to be good" which is hard, since he doesn't have this cause of something he did. But this time it was different, The doctor was having a hard time inserting the needle, and had to do it a bit, and all, well my son started to come too, and was answering us, so the 185 pound nurse had to lay on him, to keep him from moving, and I had to try and calm him down. He was so scared, and he was crying, and it was probably the first time in the last few days, that I actually forgot about my problems. Amazing what a parent does for there kids.

My mom had her surgery and is doing ok, in alot of pain. But she is a fighter. I am so glad that she is ok, was pretty worried about her. On our trip her and I had alot of fun. We went for a few walks at night with the boys, and we laughed alot. She and I were texting KDI, we played a few tricks on him, and we had fun. She is amazing. I love her so much. I can honestly say we have a blast together.

Even staying in a one room room with two twin beds, for four of us. Two of which kick alot when they sleep. While we were there, at the building we were in they did a spa day for the parents and kids. I am so glad that my mom got me to go. It was fun doing stuff with her. I miss that. I am hoping now that she is living in the same town, and all that we will get more time together. She really has become my best female friend. With friends like her and KDI who needs others. They are perfect. MOM I LOVE YOU.

Well anyways we are home now, and I am feeling a little better, hoping that things stay good. I am hoping to do some rearranging of the rooms in my house. Only have a few more sleeps till my man comes home. I CAN"T WAIT.


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