People can be so demeaning!!!
I have to say that by far I am not a very mean person at all, but unfortunately I am able to find almost all the rude people in my everyday excursions. YES they do exist. There are many, and they are multiplying. From the exterior they seem like one of us, but THEY ARE NOT. They are mean, self righteous, hideous people.
I am not just talking people you see as you walk down the street, we are also talking people who work as cashiers in stores, and then of course we are also not including the teenagers, who think they own the world, in which they have troubles pulling up their pants let alone actually going to be making the world what it is.
Are you shaking your head. WELL its the facts. As I go through life, trying to teach my boys to be like they need to, respecting their elders, and trying to make the best of thier lives, improving others, even if its just by words. But I tell you.
When I was growing up, I was always told the old saying " Sticks and Stones make break your bones, but names will never hurt you. Well that is all fine and dandy, obviously that was before the 20th century. They things peop;le say to each other can hurt and do more damage I am sure. I would rather be hit with sticks and stones, bruises heal faster.
Anyways, I won't get into my experience with a teller at a Petro Canada, or what not, but OMG, If only we were allowed to Zap them with a taser, or something that would turn them into what ever they were just yapping about.
The best to everyone, and update sopon.
I am not just talking people you see as you walk down the street, we are also talking people who work as cashiers in stores, and then of course we are also not including the teenagers, who think they own the world, in which they have troubles pulling up their pants let alone actually going to be making the world what it is.
Are you shaking your head. WELL its the facts. As I go through life, trying to teach my boys to be like they need to, respecting their elders, and trying to make the best of thier lives, improving others, even if its just by words. But I tell you.
When I was growing up, I was always told the old saying " Sticks and Stones make break your bones, but names will never hurt you. Well that is all fine and dandy, obviously that was before the 20th century. They things peop;le say to each other can hurt and do more damage I am sure. I would rather be hit with sticks and stones, bruises heal faster.
Anyways, I won't get into my experience with a teller at a Petro Canada, or what not, but OMG, If only we were allowed to Zap them with a taser, or something that would turn them into what ever they were just yapping about.
The best to everyone, and update sopon.
It's hard to even believe you are the better person for NOT being rude anymore.
Like you read on my blog, sone guy just hit me on the bus for no real reason.
Best to ignore em I think.
Thanx for your support and comment.
Fictional Correspondant, at 5:24 PM
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