When things go.....

Monday, November 20, 2006

Welcome to my Life

I am back, a blast from the past I guess. Sorry life always seems to be handing me lemons, and I AM GETTING SICK OF MAKING LEMONADE.

Not to much positive to say right now, and well the paid professionals are saying to not say anything negative, so I vouch for saying nothing AT ALL.

THe life of my life has gone back to the east coast, and so now I write with a heavy heart. I miss him. Its actually kinda weird. I guess when you get so use to someone its hard to be without them. Most people get the pleasure of seeing each other day to day, and then when they don't they tend to get upset. Well when you don't get to see each other all the time, in one way its like getting to experience all those first few weeks every time you see each other. In another, its VERY DIFFICULT to be without them.

Not to mention when you add on the time difference, or the fact my kids are saying "Now we have a daddy that loves us". But when I have a hard time getting up in the morning, no matter now much my kids have misbehaved its always forgiven, when I hear the tiny little whispers saying "Mommy misses getting hugs from KDI, so lets each give her one, then she has two"

Then today, my youngest surprised me two fold. See he loves spending his allowance on the toys in the Dollar store, well today, he found a loonie, and instead of asking to go to the dollar store, he walked over the Salvation Army guy and dropped it in his bucket, and said. "I don't need a toy that bad, they need food more" You think Five year olds don't understand. They listen and do understand more then we give them credit for. At least I know all the stuff I am teaching them is actually sinking in.

SUre we are not the richest person, nor are we even comfortable, BUT no matter how hard things are for us, there is ALWAYS someone worse off. So take what you do have and enjoy every minute of it, cause you never know when the carpet will be pulled out from under you.

Well time to get the boys to bed. We have another day of the hospital for more Chemo tomorrow. I love you all, and please give all those loved ones of yours an extra hug, just for being them. It is free to give, yet means AWHOLE LOT.

Oh and I will try to blog more often. SInce I am so hard to get a hold of.